When circumstances change and disputes arise after divorce the terms of your divorce decree may no longer reflect present-day reality. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to modify a decree in order to establish a new arrangement that is fair and workable under the current conditions.

Resolving Post-Divorce Disputes

At The Law Firm of Treuhaft & Zakarin we handle a wide range of post-divorce disputes and the modification of orders and agreements on behalf of clients. Such changes include:

Substantial change in income

Job loss

Parental relocation for employment

Change in your child’s educational or health care needs

Serious illness or physical or mental disability

We can also assist in the enforcement of orders of support, custody and visitation.

Modifications & Enforcements of Child Support & Spousal Maintenance

If a substantial change in circumstances, such as job loss or serious illness, generates the need to increase the amount of child support received or decrease the amount of child support paid, a modification of child support may be appropriate. It is important to handle these matters as quickly as possible because child support payments are not retroactive and refunds are not available. If the courts determine that a child support modification is applicable to your situation, they will apply the Child Support Standards Act formula on all income up to $154,000.00. If your income exceeds this amount, the court may use its discretion to determine your needs. If you and your child’s other parent prefer to come up with an agreement outside of the court, you do not have to apply state guidelines. However, it is in your best interests to consult an attorney so you will know exactly what your potential rights and liabilities are when you “negotiate” the terms of your agreement.

Modification and Enforcement of Spousal Maintenance

Modification of an order or agreement of spousal maintenance, also known as spousal support or alimony, is completely discretionary by the court. When petitioning the court for a modification of the amount of spousal maintenance you either receive or are required to pay, your attorney serves as your advocate. It is your lawyer’s job to understand your needs and convey a message to the court, describing why a substantial change in your circumstances should necessitate a modification.

Enforcement of Child Support

The term “deadbeat dad” is quickly becoming a thing of the past. As technology continues to evolve, it becomes easier and easier for estranged mothers and fathers to be tracked, located and forced to pay child support. Failure to pay court ordered or legally agreed upon child support, or being in “arrears,” can have a very negative impact on your credit history, driving privileges and even your freedom. If you have been served with a petition for child support, whether for the first time, or for “arrears,” do not ignore it. The consequences may be severe. If you are owed child support from your child’s other parent, you can petition the court to take enforcement action.